Sunday, July 19, 2015

#NoExcuses: An Inside Look at the 2015 NWLA Tournament

When I told most of my friends (yes I have some), colleagues, and family about a National Wiffle Ball Tournament they laughed. Most could not believe that the tournament even existed. When I showed them footage of actual game play their laughter turned to admiration. They wanted to play right then and there.  I was just like them one year ago. I knew about my hometown league, the Griffeball League, but I never knew there was a tournament for teams around the nation. 

When I first entered the field, I was in amazement. There were four separate fields, a HQ tent, hundreds of wiffle balls, and a fucking jumbo-tron. The atmosphere was electric. Sixteen teams qualified and every single one believed they had a chance to win it all. Most teams arrived on Friday and were welcomed with gifts from the man who runs the tournament, Chris Gallaway. He also runs his own league, Potomac Wiffle Ball, who also participated in the festivities. Last year's champions, Wiffle Ball in South Eastern Michigan, were there as well and made their presence known immediately. They brought their roster and more fans than any other team including the one and only, Carl Coffee. 

On Friday night, the NWLA hosted an All-Star Game and Home Run Derby (There was supposed to be a Beer Run but the complex did not allow alcohol on the field, jerks). The GBL has two participants, Matt Kuna (Home Run Derby) and Jeremy Ratajczyk (All-Star Game). Kuna advanced to the second round of the derby and Ratajczyk hit a home run during the All-Star game. Everything about the tournament was extremely professional. Line-up cards, NWLA branded wiffle-balls, t-shirts, did I mention the FUCKING JUMBO-TRON, and they updated social media at every crucial moment. They kept us informed, entertained, and appreciated. 

Now as some of you may know the GBL does not use the official wiffle ball in league play. Our league gets hammered about not using official NWLA balls. Even though the GBL has not won a title yet, the league still finishes in the middle of the pack. Last year we finished 8th and we are looking to improve on that this year. The 2015 team also did not consist of one of the GBL's greats, Kyle Lidster. Most thought that without Lidster, the GBL did not stand a chance (#NoLidsterNoChance) but, our pitching was better than most thought. The problem was hitting and as Ethan Arvay would say, "We. Need. To. Hit. Better." 

At the end of the last game (Game Recaps coming later this week), the GBL fell to the Home Run League 1-0. The GBL only had one hit in our last two games, losing both, and fell victim to one of the best pitching performances at the NWLA. We finished higher than we ever had at the tournament, even without much practice using the "official" wiffle balls. The GBL Celebration Station still finished short of the actual prize but, confidence is building. It will be a matter of time before the GBL can call themselves the best and celebrate their triumph. In the mean time, it will be back to the drawing board for Jeremy Ratajczyk and company. There will be no excuses from our players this season and we will be ready come this time next year. Wiffle Out. 

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